İran ve Suudi Arabistan’ın Bitmeyen Bölgesel Rekabeti

Şubat 2011 - Cilt: 3 - Sayı: 26
OrtadoguAnaliz 53
İran-Suudi Arabistan rekabetinin en fazla hissedildiği yerlerden biri Lübnan. Resimde, Cumhurbaşkanı Ahmedinejad’ı
Lübnan ziyaretinde karşılayan Hizbullah taraftarları görülüyor.
İran ve Suudi Arabistan’ın Bitmeyen
Bölgesel Rekabeti
Lasting Regional Competition Between Iran and Saudi Arabia
Gazi Üniversitesi U.İ.B. Doktora Öğrencisi
The differentiation of religious philosophy and practice between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the reflection
of this differentiation into the foreign policy spheres create a high level competition, or even confrontation,
among the two oil giants. The Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 further deepened this competition. The conflicting
perceptions of the two make one of them an ally of US, while on the other hand, the latter an enemy of

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İran ve Suudi Arabistan’ın Bitmeyen Bölgesel Rekabeti

Şubat 2011 - Cilt: 3 - Sayı: 26 OrtadoguAnaliz 53
İran-Suudi Arabistan rekabetinin en fazla hissedildiği yerlerden biri Lübnan. Resimde, Cumhurbaşkanı Ahmedinejad’ı
Lübnan ziyaretinde karşılayan Hizbullah taraftarları görülüyor.
İran ve Suudi Arabistan’ın Bitmeyen
Bölgesel Rekabeti
Lasting Regional Competition Between Iran and Saudi Arabia
Gazi Üniversitesi U.İ.B. Doktora Öğrencisi
The differentiation of religious philosophy and practice between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the reflection
of this differentiation into the foreign policy spheres create a high level competition, or even confrontation,
among the two oil giants. The Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 further deepened this competition. The conflicting perceptions of the two make one of them an ally of US, while on the other hand, the latter an enemy of

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